Horses are awe inspiring as you will see in this equestrian e-session today! Lindsey and Reid adore horses – so much so that they incorporated Lindsey’s horse, Graham, into their session (he will even be a part of their wedding day!) with Leib Photographic. How fun!
Here is their love story penned by Lindsey and Reid.
Reid and Lindsey met while salsa dancing in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the spring of 2013. They attended a Cinco de Mayo block party for their first date, and the two ended up spending more time talking and laughing with each other than actually dancing. They forged a deep connection with one another, discovering they had so much in common, including realizing that their families each vacationed to the same island chain in coastal Georgia. They grew close quickly through their common interests, and the two became inseparable in a matter of days.
Lindsey’s job in Michigan ended late the next year and she moved back to Virginia, where she is from, for promising occupational opportunities. Although eager to follow, Reid stayed in Michigan to finish out the school year for his students. Following the adventures of long distance, Reid came through on his promise and moved to Alexandria, Virginia in August 2015 with Lindsey, where they have lived happily since.
Lindsey’s great-grandmother had left Lindsey her wedding rings, so Reid and Lindsey only needed to select a setting in which to place “Nano’s” diamond. On Labor Day weekend, some of Reid’s out of town friends came to visit. Lindsey thought it was a “last-hurrah” of summer before Reid went back to teaching high school the next week. After a full day of touristy activities on Saturday, Reid told Lindsey they were meeting the guys at the Georgetown Waterfront for dinner.
When they arrived, it took them a few minutes to find their friends – and Reid spotted them first. He made Lindsey stop, and he pointed; Lindsey looked over to see both sets of their parents and more than 10 of their best friends. As soon as Lindsey saw her mom, she knew what must be happening and she started crying. Reid got down on one knee and told her he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her – and then pulled the ring box out of his sock! He had been afraid it was too conspicuous in one of his pockets. As their friends and families (and an awful lot of bystanders!) cheered and applauded, Lindsey said yes.
What a lovely story. I hope you enjoy their equestrian e-session today!