6 Outdoor Wedding Rain Plan Ideas to Save the Day

Picture this. You’re getting married, and you are so excited to have a perfect day! But then – there is rain forecasted. What do you do? Wedding day rain plans can be stressful. It’s impossible to predict the weather far in advance because – unfortunately – there is always the possibility of a rain forecast. For wedding day plans, you need to prepare for any type of precipitation (rain, sleet, snow, or hail). Here are our outdoor wedding rain plan ideas on how to prepare for poor weather on your rainy wedding day.

Outdoor Wedding Rain Plan Ideas

We have many outdoor wedding rain plan ideas for you! 

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6 Outdoor Wedding Rain Plan Ideas

There are wedding day superstitions, and many brides worry about there being rain on wedding day. Good luck is supposedly in order for the couples who have a rainy wedding, right? Many brides ask themselves, “Will it rain on my wedding day?” Of course, there is no way to predict that far into the future. Considering alternate outdoor wedding rain plan ideas is always a good thing to do.

1. Ask your venue if they have preparations for last-minute rain.

Outdoor wedding ceremonies need a backup plan. Your venue can offer suggestions on what to do if rain is forecast for the wedding day. Make sure you immediately communicate with your venue about their weather-related wedding backup plan.

If the venue holds outdoor events, it typically has accommodations for poor weather. Some venues offer alternate indoor accommodations, and others might provide a tent or other rain protection. For outdoor wedding ceremonies, make sure that you are comfortable with last-minute indoor accommodations. Also, negotiate any charges incurred for moving your event inside in case of a rainy wedding.

2. Tents are ideal rain protection for outdoor wedding spaces.

DIY weddings are often outdoors. Consider keeping a tent up no matter what the weather is, as there could be rain on wedding day. Tips for tents are that they protect from extreme heat, cold, and the sun, as these weather conditions may not be comfortable for guests. Tents can be beautifully decorated, whether extravagant or simple, and they will protect everyone from the elements.

How to Plan for a Rainy Wedding

Rainy wedding? Use umbrellas, but also consider wedding rain ponchos. 

3. Buy supplies for your wedding day rain plans.

Depending on where you live and the season you are in, you may want to be prepared beyond umbrellas. Some places may become very humid or cold. You should make sure your guests are comfortable during a rainy wedding. You can also use these as favors if your climate favors rain! And many guests may not be prepared for – or may not know what to wear on – a rainy day wedding.

  • Flip-Flops – This might sound silly because people will get their feet wet, as flip-flops are not the typical rainy outdoor wedding guest attire. Consider those guests who are wearing heels. If your backup plan is under a tent, the ground may become very soft and heels will begin to sink. A rainy wedding day may put your guests underwater without proper footwear.
  • Blankets Providing blankets, especially for young and senior guests, is a very kind gesture if your wedding begins to cool off when rain arrives. Blankets can seem expensive, but there are plenty of cost-effective wholesale options.
  • Towels – Keeping towels in a covered area will help guests if their seats are wet or their shoes become slippery. Make sure that you don’t leave towels on chairs so they don’t become rained on. Towels are essential if there is last-minute rain. Outdoor wedding guests can get soaked quickly if a shower pops up.
  • Ponchos – Wedding rain ponchos are fairly inexpensive and can be great rain protection for outdoor weddings. Set them out in a cute basket or have a designated guest hand them out. They may not be everyone’s favorite rainy outdoor wedding guest attire, but they can be considered en vogue if they will keep everyone dry!

Rainy Outdoor Wedding Backup Plan

A rainy wedding is good luck according to wedding day superstitions.

4. Consider options for alternate parking for a rainy wedding.

Alternate parking is an option that is often overlooked but could be one of the most important backup plans when it rains. If your parking will be situated in a field, make sure there will be a parking lot or garage available if it rains. In some terrains, cars will get stuck in the mud, and couples can be liable for damages depending on their venue’s contract. For vehicles, you definitely need an outdoor wedding rain plan. Ideas can also come from your venue or planner on what to do last minute.

5. Know when to make the call about wedding day rain plans.

When to make the call on implementing rain plans is one of the most tricky questions that are asked by couples in case of last-minute rain. Outdoor wedding vendors may ask for 1-day notice, and others will let you wait until 30 minutes before your ceremony or reception. Make sure you (or your coordinator) negotiate with all of your vendors to decide when is best for everyone to make the call on rainy wedding plans. If chairs need to be moved inside or to another location entirely, your vendors are going to need to take the time to make those changes.

6. Start singing in the rain.

The last piece of advice is not to be blue if the sky turns grey. In other words, don’t stress over a rain forecast for wedding days. Plenty of couples have had beautiful celebrations with rain on their wedding day, meaning – just don’t stress! Preparation will put your mind at ease if there is rain on the horizon.

Implementing these wedding rain plan ideas will ensure a fabulous day no matter the weather. Hopefully, it will be a beautiful sunny day!

FAQ About Outdoor Wedding Rain Plan Ideas

How to plan for rain on your wedding day?

Have a backup indoor venue ready in case the weather doesn’t cooperate. This could be a nearby hotel, a rented tent, or even a covered area at your original outdoor venue. Make sure to communicate this backup plan to your guests so they know where to go if it starts raining.

What happens if it rains on your wedding day?

Try not to stress too much. Remember that rain on your big day is considered good luck in many cultures, symbolizing fertility, cleansing, and new beginnings. Take romantic photos under an umbrella and dance in the rain.

How to plan an outdoor wedding with round weather?

Consider renting a tent or canopy to shelter your guests in case of rain or extreme heat. Depending on the weather forecast, you can also provide blankets or fans.

How to plan a backup for an outdoor wedding?

Make sure to communicate your backup plan to all vendors and guests so everyone is aware of the alternative arrangements. Having a backup plan in place will give you peace of mind and ensure that the weather does not ruin your special day.

What time should an outdoor wedding start?

Typically, outdoor weddings start in the late afternoon or early evening to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and beautiful lighting. However, the exact start time will depend on factors such as the season, location, and desired atmosphere. Additionally, consider the time needed for setup and any potential delays (such as rain delays, of course!)

How to prepare guests for an outdoor wedding?

Provide them with all of the necessary info, such as details about the outdoor setting. For example, if the ceremony will be on grass or sand, guests can choose appropriate footwear. Guests may need sun protection for a day wedding or insect repellent for an evening affair. You can also help provide items if you think they’ll be necessary.

Save our rain plan ideas for your outdoor wedding!

Wedding Rain Plan Ideas

Alli is a wedding coordinator and marketing manager in Upstate NY. When she is not planning events, she is often tending to her large collection of plants.


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