I know this doesn’t have a lot to do with weddings, but it definitely is the time of year to think about creative ways to dye Easter eggs. After all, these could be a fun favor or a great activity to entertain kids at a wedding reception. Who knows, an Easter egg roll may be the perfect thing to do at your reception. Here are 2 fun ways to dye your eggs this spring!
Creative Ways to Dye Easter Eggs
Rice Dyed Eggs
This was a new one for me! How fun is it to even think about rice to dye eggs? This project is simple as you will see in the steps in the video below.
For a quick how-to all you need are baggies, dry rice, hard-boiled eggs, and gel food coloring. Put rice in a baggie, add color, and mix. Then add your egg and shake, shake, shake. It comes out so lovely!
How to Dye Eggs Using Rice by hillcitybride on Jumprope.
Marbled Eggs
I have seen this project using shaving cream, but this option utilizes whipped cream instead. What a great way to use something edible!
For this you spread your whipped topping, add gel food coloring and swirl a bit, and place your egg on top. Use a spoon to fully cover the egg and let it sit for a bit (15 minutes or more). Rinse off your eggs, and voila! Your eggs are marbled. See full instructions in the video below.
How to Make Marbled Easter Eggs by hillcitybride on Jumprope.
So fun and easy! I hope you enjoy these. Also, be sure to check out our full DIY section here.