Getting engaged is a big deal. Your whole relationship has built up to this point, but you may be wondering what do to after getting engaged. Don’t worry! Wondering what to do after proposal is a really common question. And we’ve got answers!
This post is an updated republish by Amanda Zack.
4 Tips on What to Do After Getting Engaged
Congratulations – you’re finally engaged and you have the ring to prove it! Now you and your partner can embark on the journey that is wedding planning.
You are surely excited by what the next year or so of engagement has in store. Quite possibly, you’re wondering what to do after getting engaged. It can be tempting to dive in headfirst and surround yourself with all things weddings.
However, it’s important to take it slow in order to prevent yourself from taking on undue stress and burning out. With that in mind, here are some of the first things to do after engagement and before marriage.
Some guys wonder – after proposing to a girl, what next? Take our advice!
1. Enjoy your time of engagement.
That’s right – quit dreaming up color palettes and mapping out your ideal tablescapes in your head. Log off of Pinterest and put your phone down. It’s time to unplug and truly take in all of the bliss of your new engagement.
Plan a romantic date night to celebrate, just the two of you. The planning can wait, but you won’t get back these precious moments again.
There are several things to do after engagement and before marriage.
2. Share the proposal news with friends and family.
Assuming you didn’t live stream the proposal (you didn’t, did you!?), the time will come to spread the news.
Before you pick the Instagram filter that best suits your ring’s sparkle, be sure to personally tell those that are close to you. Your parents or your best friend will want to be the first to know about your engagement.
Don’t let them find out through social media! Once your loved ones are in on the news, feel free to spread the love throughout your social accounts.
What to do after getting engaged? Tell your friends and family in person, of course!
3. Settle on a wedding budget.
You weren’t expecting to start with wedding dress shopping and cake tasting, were you? The wedding budget is the end all, be all of your planning processes.
It will have an effect on every aspect of your big day, so it only makes sense to start there. Sit down with your partner and start with a ballpark number.
At what point can you not bear to spend any more money? It could be $10,000 or $100,000. Whatever it is, find a common place where you can agree on an overall budget for your wedding.
A romantic proposal can start off your engagement with a bang.
4. Pick your big three.
Once you know your wedding’s price tag, it’s time to settle on your big three. The three most important must-haves on your wedding day.
More than likely, these will be the categories you spend the most on. So it’s important to come to a consensus.
Is there a venue that you’ve been dreaming of since you were a child? Does entertainment make all the difference to you? Is food a priority? Or do you value high-quality photography more? Have conversations about these aspects.
If you’re having trouble agreeing on three, pick one that you can both agree is most important. Then select an aspect for each of you. That way, you can compromise, and everybody will get what they want.
Consider the first steps you should take after you get engaged and talk to your partner.
Final Thoughts on Steps After Engagement
Once you get through these first steps after your engagement, you can begin the initial stages of research for your wedding.
Above all, don’t forget to enjoy the journey! Your love brought you together and will get you through your lifetime. Happy planning!
Photos by Alekon Pictures, Radu Florin, Cardinal Rose Photography, Colin Maynard, Nathan Dumalo, Leah Kelley